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Current Projects on Improving Older Immigrants' Health in Canada

Aging well project
Aging Well

The Aging Well project seeks to understand the limitations in current formal/informal social services available to improve the wellbeing and social connectedness among older immigrants in Ontario.

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Developing a comprehensive understanding of elder abuse prevention

The purpose of this multidisciplinary study is to develop a comprehensive classification of risk factors for elder abuse in immigrant communities and to identify the most appropriate and culturally relevant strategies to address the risk factors in immigrant communities in Canada.

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Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI)

The Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI) partnership will engage in a 7-year multidisciplinary, multi-sector, multi-province project that will build sustainable connections to generate knowledge about social isolation and connectedness among older immigrants, support multidirectional knowledge exchange, and improve older immigrants’ lives.

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Creating a User-Centric Toolkit

This project aims to address elder abuse among Arabic-speaking immigrants in Ontario. The project seeks to: 1) identify risk factors contributing to elder abuse in the Arabic-community in Ontario, and 2) develop intervention strategies to address these risk factors.

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